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Planning Board Minutes 10/18/2006
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, Stephen Oliver, David Rowell, Ronald Harper, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator; Tim Smith, Town Administrator

Chairman Dennis O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Water System Master Plan Revisited
Town Administrator Tim Smith and Board of Water Commissioners Chairman Mark Berry were present to answer questions on Articles 2, 3 and 4 for the Special Town Meeting (STM) Warrant. Tim Smith gave background for the three phases of development represented in the Articles.  The requests are for design of the water tank, the Boy Scout well and a connection of that well site to the existing system.  He and Mark Berry discussed with the Planning Board (PB): costs for design, overall Town debt, location of the water tower, size of the mains, replacement of the 4” mains, use of betterments, future projects which would need water including 335 Main St., the fire and police stations, Harborside Village hook-ups, the Design-Build-Operate (DBO) option, and capacity in the case of a catastrophic fire event.

Barbara Gray raised some questions that had been discussed by the Local Comprehensive Planning Committee in regards to build-out, and wastewater systems.  Harper asked about the possibility of future development exceeding water capacity at Stage 5.  Gerald Parent answered that question with his estimate of less than 5 buildable lots along the expanded path proposal.

O’Connell concluded the discussion, saying that PB would give its recommendation on the floor of STM on November 13, 2006.

Article 11
O’Connell also wanted Smith to review Article 11 with the Board.  Smith passed out the legal opinion on voting when a member misses a meeting.  O’Connell asked if minutes would qualify as a transcription or recording, and Smith said minutes could serve as a record of a hearing.  Smith reviewed that, if passed, the plan was still optional for the various Town boards

Gray moved to approve Article 11.  O’Connell seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.  

Scenic Road Tree Trimming at Bound Brook Island Road
O’Connell said that Bound Brook Island Road was not a designated scenic road, but O’Connell and Parent, in the spirit of cooperation, had gone on a site visit with the DPW to view the road for a planned trimming.  

Lonnie Briggs of the Conservation Commission was present to discuss trimming of Duck Harbor Road, which is a designated scenic road.  She reported conversations she’d had with the Seashore, John Portnoy and Fire Chief Dan Silverman, who concurred that the roadway could be reopened.  Parent recalled the uproar the last time that this had been done.  Briggs said that users of the area were now making additional paths around fallen trees that block the roadway.  She was interested in having the clearing done, mainly by use of wheelbarrows, to open the way as a path rather than a road that vehicles would use and asked what entity would need to come before PB for a hearing.  Parent suggested that part of the hearing request should include use of a Bobcat for clearing the pathway, so as not to have to come back for a second hearing.

Wind Turbines
Rex Peterson had given the Board sample bylaws regarding wind turbines from Bourne and Orleans.  In addition he passed out the Cape Cod Commission’s detailed bylaw on land-based wind energy conversion facilities.  He said he’d like to see a bylaw that was somewhere in the middle between the towns’ bylaws and that of the CCC.  Criteria that he and PB members considered for inclusion in a Wellfleet bylaw included: height, view shed analysis, fall zone, and location. Peterson said there is no current bylaw on the books for commercial wind towers.  He said a good approach would be to go through the CCC model bylaw which has explanatory material to see what was applicable for Wellfleet.   O’Connell said this could be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Affordable Housing
Peterson also discussed rates for affordable rental housing.  The new HUD rates have been set, but homeowners are telling him that the costs of heating, utilities, taxes, insurance, etc, are going up at a pace they can’t keep up with.  He planned to do a comparison with median income and the HUD rates.  Peterson said he’d like rents kept in the affordable range, and O’Connell said this was something for PB to consider.

Items for Annual Town Meeting
O’Connell asked what items PB might start working on for Annual Town Meeting.  Rowell suggested getting Land Court involved in opening up access to the “Airstrip” (Map 42, Parcel 601) at the Marconi site.  Peterson suggested looking into getting CPA funds for this.  O’Connell said additional scenic roads could be added to list. Pickard said shed bylaws could be reconsidered.  Rowell said cottage colonies that are now condominiums should be accurately defined.  Parent said they are still cottage colonies by definition.  

Rules & Regulations and Objectives
O’Connell said there were still opportunities for subdivisions, and an updated Rules & Regulations should be in place.  The existing document does not have a requirement for as-builts.  Inspection opportunities, lot shapes and cluster development should also be included, O’Connell said.  Parent said all that was needed for revising was setting public hearings to deal with separate sections.  Harper said problem issues could be dealt with.  Parent said the old Rules & Regulations had not caused many problems.

Minutes of 10/4/06
Gray moved to approve the minutes of October 4, 2006.   O’Connell seconded.  The motion carried 5-0-2.

Mail included the announcement for the November 4, 2006  State of the Wellfleet Harbor Conference and a letter from William Gazzola regarding the Miller house reconstruction on Crowell Rd. O’Connell read into record Gazzola’s letter.  Gray asked if PB should respond.  Rowell suggested sending a letter acknowledging receipt of his letter and informing Gazzola that the questions he raised were all in the purview of the ZBA.

Oliver moved to adjourn, Gray seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:05p.m.

O’Connell realized that since all seven members were present and had a better understanding of the water expansion Articles, they should take this opportunity to vote on the recommendations for Articles 2, 3 and 4 for STM.

Gray moved to reopen the meeting and the other members agreed 7-0.  The meeting reopened at 9:07 p.m.  

O’Connell moved to recommend Articles 2, 3 and 4.  Gray seconded.  Discussion followed in which Parent expressed the need for going forward with planning an expanded water system.  Oliver explained his reservations based on total costs.
The motion to recommend the three Articles carried 7-0.

Oliver moved to adjourn.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman
